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Our blog is full of marathon training tips, running club insights, managing your retail team and so much more!

Virtual Races: Awesome Motivation Tips (And More!)

Now that many road races have gone virtual, many people ask themselves, what is success? In other words, runners understand that virtual races are challenging than in-person races. So, the reality is that it’s great to have a group of runners or your club to keep you motivated, preparing, and then doing the virtual running.... READ MORE

Slow Marathon Runners, An Ode

As you know by now if you follow our blog, we have two soon-to-be women marathon runners in training. And, as both of them make the big climb, they’ve learned about how to take their minds and bodies to the limit. They’ve discovered during the journey for training everything from improved breathing to figuring out... READ MORE

Running Coach: OMG! The Best One Ever!

If you’re thinking about the best running coach ever for you, take a read at the experience of our dynamic duo, Courtney and Angela. They’re preparing for the Walt Disney World Marathon. And today, they wanted to discuss the topic of a running coach. Each of the athletes has a different approach as to whether... READ MORE

Marathon Runners: 5 Challenges to Overcome

Marathon runners always have the big goal of completing a marathon. But, we also know that to cross the finish line, there’s a lot of work that goes into it. If you’ve been following our blog, then you know the story of our teammates. They’re soon running the Walt Disney World Marathon, which is the... READ MORE

Vacations Made Easy While You Train

Vacations made easy can happen even when you’re training for a marathon. And, as you know if you follow us, our team members, Courtney and Angela are in training for the Walt Disney Marathon.  These teammates live in different cities. Courtney lives in Florida, and Angela lives in Tennessee. So, as they train for the... READ MORE

National Running Day: 10 Ways to Celebrate

National Running day is here, and this is your chance to join the global day for running. As a result of the day, the idea is to get people active. On June 5th, you’re going to have your chance to move. But, it doesn’t matter what you do. You can run up and down the... READ MORE

Running and Breathing Only Works When….

Running and breathing techniques are essential for physical performance, but it only works efficiently in certain instances. We recently wrote about two of our team members, Courtney and Angela. They are in training for their first marathon in January. A critical thing that they have had to master, is to correctly breathe when they’re running.... READ MORE

Women Marathon Runners: Our Story

We’re excited by our post today because we want to share the stories of two women marathon runners within our own company. If you’ve been checking out our blog recently, you know we also feature the stories of powerful women in sports. Why? Because these stories have not gotten told anywhere near enough. Within our business,... READ MORE

How Sneakers Can Make a Social Impact

Many ways exist to make a social impact besides merely donating money or volunteering time. The world is much more socially responsible. And that means that all types of groups, including runners and athletes, have created ways to make things better for others. Today, we’ll feature two great organizations. In short, they show the public... READ MORE

Nike’s Game of Go Sneaker Experience

One of the most exciting things about the digital age is augmented reality (AR). And one of the largest brands in the world, Nike, creatively hit upon a way for the public to experience their new athletic running shoe with the use of AR. It’s Nike’s Game of Go! Nike developed an immersive augmented reality... READ MORE

Start Exercising: 5 Ways to Get Going

There’s no time like today to start exercising so live a long and healthy life. You don’t have to wait to start doing what you should be doing to improve your overall health and well-being. We get it. Exercise is tough, and it demands time (something you have very little of with your responsibilities). But... READ MORE

Prepare for a Road Race: 5 of the Best Tips

Running is one of the best exercises you can do, and it includes several health benefits that will improve your overall health and wellness. Before we get to how to prepare for a road race (like a marathon), let’s explore some of the benefits. Running is an excellent stress reliever. For instance, it could easily... READ MORE
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